New Video: Have you looked at MarketClub's Global Strategy portfolio lately?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 11th of January.

You know sometimes we get so caught up with what's going on here in the US, that we fail to recognize trading opportunities overseas. Several years ago, we put together our Global Strategy portfolio, which can also be referred to as the BRIC plus A portfolio. This portfolio covers the following countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and Australia.

Here are our current positions. The portfolio only trades in ETFs.

iShares MSCI Brazil Index Fund (PACF_EWZ)
Current Position: LONG @ 56.07 Entered On: 1/2/13 Last @ 56.35
Market Vectors Russia ETF (PACF_RSX)
Current Position: LONG @ 28.06 Entered On: 12/3/12 Last @ 29.83
Wisdom Tree India Earnings Fund (PACF_EPI)
Current Position: LONG @ 18.59 Entered On: 11/29/12 Last @ 19.58
iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Fund (PACF_FXI)
Current Position: LONG @ 37.54 Entered On: 12/5/12 Last @ 40.99
iShares MSCI Australia Index Fund (PACF_EWA)
Current Position: SIDELINES @ 24.69 Entered On: 12/24/12

As you can see, out of the five ETF positions in this portfolio we currently have profits in four of them.

The Global Strategy portfolio is fairly simple. You divide your money up equally into five parts. If you have a $50,000 portfolio, you would divide your capital into five parts of $10,000 each.

You then divide the cost of each ETF share into the amount of money your are investing. That tells you how many shares you can purchase in that particular ETF. You can follow the strategy that we post in the model portfolio section of MarketClub and forget worrying about what the market is going to do tomorrow.

This is a good overall well-rounded strategy for any investor. The Global Strategy portfolio can also be part of a bigger mixed portfolio which could include either one of MarketClub's other model portfolios, the World Cup and Perfect ETF portfolios.

So, the next time someone asks you about the markets, just smile and say, "I invest globally, so I have no worries".

We are looking for 2013 to be an excellent year for all of the MarketClub portfolios.

Have a great trading day,
Adam Hewison
Founder & President and co-founder of

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One thought on “New Video: Have you looked at MarketClub's Global Strategy portfolio lately?

  1. I am really confused. In all the time that I have been watching the markets, some 10 years now, I have nearly always observed that when the Dow rises the S&P500 rises. So how can one profitably trade by going long on the S&P500 and short on the DOW. In my opinion a quite dangerous exercise. Am I missing something?4

    Regards Konrad

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