Energy Fields in Gold (New Video)

In today's short video, I will be looking at the gold market. I'm going to analyze the gold market in a way that I've never divulged before.
I will be talking about energy fields in the gold market and how you can put them to your advantage to make money. The video is short in duration, only four minutes, but I'll give you specific levels to look at should certain events take place. I suspect that these events will occur and for the lucky few who are prepared the rewards will be great.

The video is free to watch and there is no need to register. I would love to get your feedback about this video on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

15 thoughts on “Energy Fields in Gold (New Video)

  1. Patrick,

    We have pulled back to the 62% Fib level. I am going to wait for our Trade Triangles to kick in to get long.


  2. Earl,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Gold prices of pullback over 62% from their recent highs. I am looking for a place to get long when and if our Trade Triangle technology flashes a buy signal.

    All the best,


    1. Hi Adam,

      I like the strategy of waiting here for gold to reverse signal and then getting long. It seems "prudent". However, it could be that the move down in Gold will be sustained or even accelerate. A case in point woudl be the decline in oil from $140 to $30 with only modest interruption.

      Do you have an analytical way to tell the difference or is the strategy based on your "view/gut feel" of the markets or some other metric?

      Best wishes,


  3. Earl Anderson wrote:
    I enjoyed the video on gold. I want to trade the move up . But in stocks because I don't trade forex .... So how would you use that information with stocks. Would you wait for the big move or would you buy aauk now which is at +90.... Also do you place any value on roe and roa to pick your basket of stocks to watch ..... I realize that it is just an opinion and not advice...... Thanks Earl

  4. Adam.

    As always, thanks for the informative video.

    As a subscriber, I've been following the trade triangles and using them to make trading decisions.

    Why have the signals been so off the last few weeks?

    Your conclusion in this video also confuses me, because we have a weekly red trade triangle in place, indicating that the gold market should be trending lower, not higher.

    Can you please explain the recent issues with the trade triangles and the gold market and also the discrepancy between this video and what the red weekly trade triangle is telling me?

    1. J.,

      Thank you for your comment. As you are well aware we do have a red weekly trade triangle in the gold right now. This indicates that prices should be falling which I believe they did so today.

      What may have confused you in the last video I did was on energy fields in the gold market that I believe are pertinent to price action. It does not change our approach and it does not divorce ourselves from the trade triangle technology. All it was meant to do was to point out the potential for this market.

      I believe the Boy Scouts motto is "be prepared", and that's all we were trying to show in the gold video, was be prepared to act if certain things happen in that market.

      All the best,

  5. Hi Adam,

    Another excellent video.

    Currently the weekly and daily trade triangles are short gold with the daily going short today.

    In which direction would you trade today, if at all?

    Also, please check crude oil prices which appear to be incorrect likely because there is a need to switch to the August contract.

    Best regards,

    Patrick Keith

  6. Dear Adam
    I have enjoyed your video very much
    although I do not follow the charts trends normally
    but you have made a persuasive case.
    I have gold position and good to her assuring comments.
    I expected that the gold would have gone through the 1000 $ end of feb 2009 and took positions then
    but it fell back.
    you have not mention the IMF intensions of selling the 304 tons of gold and the effect that could do to the charts.

    I would like to see some charts and comments on agriculture products ETF and other wise, soft commodities on similar lines as you have done with the gold

    best wishes

  7. I generally love your commentary but Head and Shoulder formations are only applicable for top and bottoms -- not energy (or congestion areas) fields. With all due respect, gold may break out and reach $1250/oz but subscribers are better off following Market Club emotionally detached triangles in lieu of the chart pattern analysis.

  8. Excellent video Adam. I have just started in the last few days to take positions in gold and this helps very much in feeling more comfortable that it will be a good move. I also like the energy fields description! Best regards, Steve

  9. Hi Adam, thanks for this video. I have a quick question regarding that formation on the gold chart you're talking about, inverted H&S. I know you're very experienced trader and I'm just a beginner, but is this a valid formation now in the middle of a bull market? I mean aren't H&S and inverted H&S valid at tops and bottoms respectively? It's not to say gold won't go as high as 1350$, I'm just intrigued by everybody calling an inverted H&S at this point.


    1. Dacian,

      That's a good question. And I would say that you are correct in your initial assumption. However the formation that we are looking at in gold looks to me as if we go over $1000 an ounce this market is off to the races.

      The energy fields we discussed in our last video is very real and we would suspect that this energy would be released with a move into new high ground.

      Thanks for you comment.

      All the best,


  10. Hi, Another good video. You talk about energy points and highlight 3 of them on the chart. When you analyse the last one you are talking about head/shoulders. The two previous energy areas didn't appear portray any H/S. Can you clarify if energy points are simply areas of confusion or do they have to have an identiiable H/S configuration.

    1. Clive,

      Thank you for your feedback. While the other two energy fields did not look like, nor are they supposed to look like a head and shoulders formation they all represent sideways action for a prolonged period of time.

      What I was saying about the last potential energy field was the fact that it looked very much like a head and shoulders pattern that was capable of carrying gold up to the 1250 level.

      Whenever you have a long period of sideways action that means the market is building energy to move on. In some cases sideways actions can also turn down and point to lower prices, it depends on which way the market breaks out.

      All the best,

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