Forget the latest … Crude Oil Forecast

Forget the latest greatest… Stick to a tried-and-true method of trading.

Hi everyone,

Adam Hewison here for

Several years ago, I did a video about learning how to trade crude oil in 90 seconds. People laughed at us, but they're not laughing now as huge profits continue to pile up in the crude oil market thanks to this tried-and-true method of trading.

When you watch the video you must realize that we have upgraded the MarketClub interface to a much higher standard.  However, the concept of trading has remained the same.  The same rules apply now just as they did 4 years ago.

So wouldn't you like to be trading with a proven trading plan that actually works?  Now you can, thanks to MarketClub's "Trade Triangle" technology. It is easy to learn, quick to implement and the rest you will see on your bottom line.

You have clear, concise signals that show you the trend and where the market is headed.  Is this approach correct 100% of the time?  Absolutely not, there's not one program out there that is correct 100% of the time in any market.  If you see something like that...Run the other way as it's a scam.

Look at the recent opportunity you missed

by not using MarketClub's Trade Triangle technology.

I am putting my decades of experience on the line here, but I'd like you to watch this video and see just what we were sayingyears ago.  Notice how we haven't changed courses with the latest and greatest and see why we haven't changed our approach to the market.  The reason?  It works.  And why would you want to change a winning system?

You can view the amazing December '07 video here.

As always our videos are free to watch, even the ones we consider classics like this one.  There is no need for registration.  All we ask is that you comment on our blog when you have time and tell your friends about our MarketClub service.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President of and cofounder of MarketClub

22 thoughts on “Forget the latest … Crude Oil Forecast

  1. Covered my $USO puts for a nice gain. Looking to short again on any Rally. Next week should have lower OIL.

  2. This is a video issue when you chanced format. I had been viewing on iPad with no problem until you started using camtasia studio. Is you YouTube video still available? There are on links to it and searches on YouTube will not bring it up? Is there away you can assist? I do very much miss this venue although the quality on YouTube is not very good I still miss it.

    David Mc

  3. Hi Adam,

    I am a subscriber, and I have to agree with Dave. When the market gaps up or down the trade triangles shouldn't reflect a trade taking place in the gap. I understand how setting your stop in what turns out to be a gap means you got in the trade on the opening, it is a bit misleading to suggest that traders could have entered the position in the middle of the gap.

    All that said, with April crude's red daily TT kicking in this morning, I pocketed a nice profit!


  4. Hello Adam,

    Thank you for taking the time to write the detailed explanation of the Rules to Trade Stocks, Futures and Forex markets! I realy do appreciate your efforts to be helpful to the Market Club subscribers. As you see your explanation was of interest to many others besides me. I have two others questions in connection with using Trade Triangles for Stocks.

    First question: How long back is a Green Monthly Trade Triangle valid as an indication that the major trend for a stocks is up? Six months? 3 months, a year? Many stocks show a Green Monthly Trade Triangle a long time back followed by only Weekly (and Daily)Red and Green Trade Traingles.

    Secondly, assume this situation: I look at a stock and notice that a Green Monthly Trade Triangle appeared 6 months ago. This was followed two months later by a Weekly Red Trade Triangle. Today I see that a Green Trade Triangle appeared. My question is: Can I use this Green Weekly Trade Triangle as an entry point?

    Thanks again and looking forward to your clarification.

    Jean Rene

    1. Jean Rene,

      Thank you once again for your feedback.

      If you're trading in stocks and you have a monthly green trade triangle in place it doesn't matter how old it is still valid.

      You would then use the weekly trade triangles, red exit and green to enter.

      I hope this answers your question.

      All the best,

  5. Hi the open on Feb 21 was 96.59 high was 98.48 low 96.13
    so how it can be that the signal to buy was for 94.81 shouldn't it be like
    the open 96.59

  6. Thanks for full explanation, much appreciated - I've stuck the rules to my computer!

    Kind regards,


  7. Adam,

    I'm not a subscriber yet but I am planning on joining soon. I think MC is offering a quality service and education for a more than reasonable price. I'm new to investing but I understand that following the trend and not getting caught up in the other stuff is the way to go. Would it be possible if the rules for using the Trade Triangles (TT), like you stated in the email above, can be added to the website under a link or to the portfolio manager? It would probably save you the hassle of continuing to restate the TT rules for every trading scenario which you seem to have to do often. Also, having these rules readily available would be helpful to your subscribers especially those that are new to MC.

  8. I believe anybody that has money to trade oil should put down the money,why because Lybia is going out of control as the whole world can see and Lybia is ranked 13 in the world for producing oil their would be more Demand than Supply.Therefore,for the past I would say 7 years sinse President Bush, small investers that traded futures made hunderd`s of thousand`s maybe Million`s in the oil market.They been saying for years the futures market`s always was the main market to trade because it always has demand rather it`s strong or not and pretty much predictable.The whole world got to have the futures market`s it makes the world function on a monthy basis always Demand.The Market Cub is a pretty nice software you don`t have to be inside the market`s real time, to make a good trading discision to take money out the market`s.However,with everything going on inside the world that Involves oil that`s the number one commody that every country needs to function and you are trading the number one Commody would be easy guaranteed money, a Caveman can do it.

  9. Good Morning Adam,

    Really interesting and certainly promissing. However, I understood (from listening to webinars) that we would only enter a trade on a Monthly Trade Triangle IF accompanied by a Weekly T/Triangle. Thus the Monthly gave the entry sign and the Weekly provided the timing.
    I have located these patterns but with very little success. At best a 50/50 hit & miss. Where or how can I obtain more precise information?

    Jean Rene

    1. Jean Rene,

      Here are the rules for stocks, futures and forex markets.

      How "Trade Triangles" work in stocks.
      The major "Trade Triangle" to watch in trading stocks is the monthly "Trade Triangle" as this triangle determines the trend. We use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for timing purposes. Let me give you an example, if the last monthly "Trade Triangle" is green this indicates that the major trend is up for that stock. You would then use the initial monthly "Trade Triangle" as an entry point and use the weekly red "Trade Triangle" as a stop out point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a green "Trade Triangle" kicked in. You would then use a weekly red "Trade Triangle" as a stop out point. Providing that a monthly green "Trade Triangle" is in place the trend is positive for the stock. The reverse is true if a red monthly "Trade Triangle" shows that the trend is down. You would then use the weekly "Trade Triangle" for entering and exiting the market.

      How "Trade Triangles" work in ETFs (PerFect "R" Portfolio)
      The major "Trade Triangle" to watch in trading the 4 ETFs in MarketClub's Perfect "R" Portfolio is the monthly "Trade Triangle" as this triangle determines the trend and your position. You would use the monthly GREEN "Trade Triangle" as an entry point and use the monthly RED "Trade Triangle" as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a GREEN monthly "Trade Triangle" kicked in. This portfolio is suitable for 401K and IRA retirement accounts therefore it is not allowed to short ETFs.

      How "Trade Triangles" work in ETFs (Global Strategy Portfolio)
      The major "Trade Triangle" to watch in trading this portfolio is the monthly "Trade Triangle" as this triangle determines the trend and initial positions. We use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for timing purposes. Let me give you an example, if the last monthly "Trade Triangle" is GREEN this indicates that the major trend is up for that ETF. You would then use the initial GREEN monthly "Trade Triangle" as an entry point and use the weekly RED "Trade Triangle" as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a GREEN weekly "Trade Triangle" kicked in. You would then use a weekly RED "Trade Triangle" as an exit point. Providing that a monthly GREEN "Trade Triangle" is in place the trend is positive for the ETF. The reverse is true if a RED monthly "Trade Triangle" shows that the trend is down. You would then use the weekly RED "Trade Triangle" for entering short positions and the GREEN weekly Trade Triangle exiting the market.

      How to use trade triangles in futures and Forex.
      In the futures and Forex markets we use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for trend and the daily "Trade Triangles" for timing. Let me give you an example of how that works. If a green weekly "Trade Triangle" is in place it indicates that the trend is positive for that market. Initial entry point would be on the weekly green "Trade Triangle" and then you would use a red daily "Trade Triangle" as a stop. For example if the trend was up on the weekly you would exit a position on a red daily triangle. This is not to go short but only to exit the position and wait for the trend to reestablish itself on the upside. In the event the trend that does not reestablish itself and reverses with a weekly red "Trade Triangle" you would go short on the weekly "Trade Triangle" and use the daily "Trade Triangle"for money management and reentry points.

      How to use trade triangles in Gold.
      In the gold market we use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for trend and the daily "Trade Triangles" for timing. Let me give you an example of how that works. If a green weekly "Trade Triangle" is in place it indicates that the trend is positive for that market. Initial entry point would be on the weekly green "Trade Triangle" and then you would use a red daily "Trade Triangle" as a stop. For example if the trend was up on the weekly you would exit a position on a red daily triangle. This is not to go short but only to exit the position and wait for the trend to reestablish itself on the upside. In the event the trend that does not reestablish itself and reverses with a weekly red "Trade Triangle" you would go short on the weekly "Trade Triangle" and use the daily "Trade Triangle"for money management and reentry points.

      All the best,

  10. Let me know when you make it real time - I will subscribe for sure - but not before.

  11. Yeah, I'm looking for a final Rally to get short today, probably using put options. Also like windpower given the worldwide situation -- MMMW.

  12. i love your method of trading, but i hope you will improve your service to have real time charts, it is difficult to compete 15 minutes behind everyone else

  13. Hi Adam,

    It certainly shows the power of the system, although I haven't traded crude oil to date, but I am concerned at entering at the moment, as it would be typical to see a reversal and take out all those that have entered with a comfortable stop. So, should we enter now (how would you best determine a place a sensible stop?), or should we bear any more upside and wait for a red daily to go short and a green daily again before going long? I understand that neither of us has a crystal ball, but some wise words from your greater experience on how we best handle these volatile instruments would be most welcome - how about a short video?? Many thanks

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