You got it right!

Congratulations to all readers of this blog.

I would like to thank you for participating in all our polls that we have posted over last several months. The predictive power of these visitor blog polls has been amazing.

Not only did you predict months ago that the dollar had not bottomed out, but the collective poll indicated negativity for the U.S. economy. Both of these predictions turned out to be 100% correct.

Our latest poll is asking who will be the Democratic nominee for president? The results have been very interesting. I believe our poll voters have it correct, 44% of you indicated that you are just plain tired of this going on for so long. In fact, it was quite a relief last week to see the Pope Benedict on television instead of Clinton or Obama. So once again I believe the poll has it right, the majority of people are just tired of the whole thing.

Today being Tuesday, it's time for the Pennsylvania primary. Our poll indicates that Senator Barack Obama is leading Senator Hillary Clinton overall and will be the Democratic nominee for president. Obama leads Clinton by a two to one margin overall . We did not do a poll for Pennsylvania as we believe that it was too narrow a focus for our users. We believe Obama’s lead on this poll is significant as it is coming from a financially related website.

Tonight, I'm sure many of us will be glued to CNN watching the results come in precinct by precinct. We are all hoping for an end to this incredibly long process to nominate a candidate.

The purpose of this blog posting today is to thank you for participating in all of our previous polls and encourage you to vote in new polls that we are planning in the months ahead.

One thing I found out today on this blog is that you can actually e-mail a friend on any of the blog postings. You may like to do this with some of our videos.

Here’s how you do it. At the end of every post, you will see a number of little icons that help “spread the word”. To the right of that, you will see several links called: a promo, print, e-mail and comment.

If you'd like to e-mail a friend about this blog, any postings or any video that we do, please use the easy to use e-mail link that I just mentioned.

If you'd like to add your comments to this blog, just click the comment button. Quite honestly we encourage you to comment on our posts.

If you'd like to post your own experience about the markets on this blog, please send us a comment and we will reply to you. Also include your telephone number so that we can reach you if we have any questions. As you know, we are not brokers so we won’t be asking you to open the account with us. Rest assured your privacy is guarded with our company.

Thanks for taking the time to read this brief posts and lets see what happens tonight with the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania. All the best in life and in the markets.

Adam Hewison

P.S. If you missed any of the "Traders Whiteboard" series watch them here.

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