Today's Video Update: Great Britain Lost Its Last Great Leader Today

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 8th of April.

The Amazing Iron Lady
As a former citizen of England, I was saddened to read news that Margaret Thatcher, one of the great leaders of the world, died today. The "Iron Lady," as she was nicknamed, really did change the world and the economy of Great Britain. The world needs more leaders like the late Maggie Thatcher, instead of the poll-driven, politically-correct-don't-offend-anyone types whose only mission is to stay in office at all costs! Margaret Thatcher was one-of-a-kind and you don't see that coming along every day in this leaderless world. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Great Britain Lost Its Last Great Leader Today"

Today's Video Update: Confidence Might Be Running Out Of The U.S. Economy

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 5th of April.

Confidence Is a Fragile Entity
Confidence in sports, business and almost everything else in life is a very important element. The same can be said for confidence in the markets and in the economy. Today with the release of the non-farm payroll, confidence was badly shaken. The question becomes, with everyone who has a 401K program and who has made money in the last few years, will there be a rush to get out of the market with their profits?

After seeing the disappointing results of the non-farm payrolls report this morning, is Chairman Bernanke and the Fed going to keep their uncharted risky policy of pumping money into the system? With all of these uncertainties floating around in investors' heads today, I believe confidence is on the wane for any sustainable economic recovery that Washington was hoping for. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Confidence Might Be Running Out Of The U.S. Economy"

Today's Video Update: Facebook Is Coming Out With a Smartphone - Give Me a Break

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 4th of April.

Is Facebook (FB) becoming irrelevant? Even Facebook said in its annual report back in February 2013 that “younger users” were engaging in other products “as a substitute for Facebook.” I can second that, as my children only use Facebook very occasionally. In fact, teens are really flocking to Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, GroupMe and Kik, real-time messaging services that were born out of the mobile phone revolution. Is it all over for Facebook, or should you be in this stock at all? We will be looking at this market using our Trade Triangle technology to answer that question. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Facebook Is Coming Out With a Smartphone - Give Me a Break"

Today's Video Update: Don't Worry About The Price Of Gas, This Agency Has It Under Control

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 3rd of April.

Don't Worry About The Price Of Gas, This Agency Has It Under Control
Back on 8/4/1977, the Department of Energy was instituted TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL.
34 years ago, 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports. Today, 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports. Pretty efficient, huh???

And now it's 2013, 36 years later, and the budget for this "NECESSARY" department is at $24.2 BILLION A YEAR. It has 16,000 federal employees and approximately 100,000 contract employees and look at the job they have done! (This is where you slap your forehead and say, "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?")

Ah yes, good old Federal bureaucracy.

Now we have turned over the banking system, healthcare, and the auto industry to the same government. Does that make sense to anyone besides the government? Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Don't Worry About The Price Of Gas, This Agency Has It Under Control"

Today's Video Update: Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 2nd of April.

Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic
Yesterday, it was reported that a “a company owned by in-laws of Cypriot President, Nicos Anastasiades, withdrew millions from Laiki Bank on March 12 and 13," according to an article published in Cypriot newspaper, Haravgi. Today we are learning that Michael Sarris, the finance minister of Cyprus, has resigned. I expect we will be seeing more revelations coming out of Cyprus in the days and weeks ahead. I believe that Cyprus is the tip of the iceberg and is the catalyst of destruction in Europe. With unemployment in Europe officially at 12% and unemployment for young people in Spain at 55%, one can only think it's a matter of time before things erupt into civil disobedience. Europe cannot grow itself out of this mess and the austerity measures being demanded provide little to no hope for Europe to survive. Under its present economic and political circumstances, I think it's only a matter of time before the ship goes down with no lifeboats! Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic"