Today, we are dissecting and examining one of my favorite markets ... the Forex market. The Forex market is the biggest in the world and is traded on a 24/7 basis.
What makes these markets so exciting is the fact that they have a very strong tendency to trend, that is, once they get started in one direction they tend to continue in that direction for some time.
I learned how to trade Forex in the trading pits of Chicago where I was a member of the IMM, a division of
the Chicago Mercantile exchange. The CME has grown dramatically over the years, and I have many fond memories of trading in the old exchange in Chicago. Today, you can trade the stock of the CME (NASDAQ_CME). That's a good idea for our next video, let us know if you would like to see a video on trading the stock of the CME.
I digress to today's video.
Today we are exploring the relationship between the Euro and the Dollar (EURUSD). In this short video, which we are making available without cost or registration, you'll catch a glimpse of a conservative way to trade the Forex markets. This approach will detach you from your computer screen and show you how to enjoy your free time without having to worry about the markets.
I would not recommend this movie if you are risk adverse. Trading in Forex, the futures markets, and in any market for that matter always has an element of risk.
I hope you enjoy this educational Forex trading video and that you're able to see the value in this approach.
Every success in the markets.
Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub