Today's Video Update: Apple's Big Day And Waze To Go Google

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 10th of June.

Apple's Big Day
Today, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) kicks off its developers conference in San Francisco. This is the day that the Apple-faithful have been patiently waiting for. It is widely speculated that Apple will announce IOS 7, a new operating system, and perhaps some other upgrades. No new disruptive technologies are expected to be announced at this conference, but with Apple you never know. One of the presenters today is Sir Jonathan Paul "Jony" Ive, who is the genius designer for many of Apple's most recent products. In my opinion, Jony was the main creative force behind Steve Jobs. The new operating system is rumored to be cleaner, simpler and “flatter”, moving away from the skeuomorphic design. Apple is also expected to announce a new music service that's going to go head-to-head with the likes of Pandora, Spotify, and other online streaming music platforms. Let's put everything in perspective, Apple has 500 million users, Pandora has less than 70 million. Mathematically, this gives Apple a huge advantage in terms of creating a really successful, new income-producing music service. Initially iRadio, as the name is rumored to be, will be supported by ads, and eventually it will end up becoming a recurring revenue product. I will be covering Apple in today's daily update. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Apple's Big Day And Waze To Go Google"

Today's Video Newsletter: Facebook and NetFlix form an alliance to learn more about you

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 13th of March.

Today Netflix and Facebook announced a sharing of data. You can view this in two ways, either it's very destructive, "these folks are learning way too much about my habits," or you can look upon it as a business opportunity. For Netflix, I believe it is more of a plus than it is for Facebook. The new add-on service tells you about what movies your friends are watching and in-turn, it tells your friends what movies you are watching. This could be a very positive move for Netflix. We have been bullish on Netflix for quite some time (12/04/12 @ $89.45) and this is yet another strong signal that Netflix can move higher and over the $200 mark. At the present time, we have upside target zones of $200, $220 for this stock. Continue reading "Today's Video Newsletter: Facebook and NetFlix form an alliance to learn more about you"

Caveat Emptor: Facebook Shareholders May Get 'Zucked'

A new term was introduced into the financial lexicon recently, to get 'Zucked'. The term was coined by investors in the Facebook (FB) IPO. Participants in the IPO have brought legal action against the company stating they were misled. The U.S. Senate Banking Committee has vowed to investigate assertions by investors they were hoodwinked. The stock is down over 27% since the IPO.

There have been several articles written in regard to these developments so I won't rehash the details. Suffice it to say, copious amounts of Facebook shares were sold at the high end of the price range. This maximized the windfall for CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other insiders and fashioned a far-fetched valuation for the company. Nevertheless, Facebook devotees argue that the company will eventually validate its sky-high valuation by leveraging its enormous user base and colossal amount of data collected. Continue reading "Caveat Emptor: Facebook Shareholders May Get 'Zucked'"