Solar Stocks Heat Up

Adam Feik - Contributor - Energies

I wrote about oil refiners – and the phenomenal performance of their stocks – on Monday. Today I'm writing about another energy sector that has been hot the last few weeks; namely, solar stocks.

Let's take First Solar (Nasdaq:FSLR), for example. Here's a stock that's gone from $70/share 6 months ago to $40/share 1 month ago, and now almost back to $60.

FSLR's all-time high is over $300, back in the summer of 2008. The stock spent the rest of '08 crashing, but then stabilized until February 2011, when FSLR peaked around $175 before crashing all the way to $12 in May 2012 (see chart from Yahoo! Finance, below). From that low point, FSLR enjoyed a nice, even, steady uptrend for the next 2 years. On June 20, 2014, when oil peaked at just above $107/barrel, FSLR was trading around $70 per share. FSLR's $30 haircut from June 2014 – January 2015 almost perfectly coincided with oil's big decline. Solar investors, of course, understand that solar becomes a more attractive energy alternative when oil prices are high, and vice versa. Continue reading "Solar Stocks Heat Up"

Today's Video Update: Stocks Subdued After Record Week

Hello traders everywhere! Jeremy Lutz here, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 6th of May.

Stocks are little changed after record week
The stock market cleared new milestones Friday after the government reported that employers added more workers. However, that hasn't translated into a strong Monday open as investors turned more cautious, focusing once again on the problems facing the global economy. Though growth in the U.S. is holding up well, it is slowing in China. The 17 country Eurozone remains in recession and unemployment there has been hitting a series of record highs.

Watch Today's Video Update Here

On Investor's Minds:
United States - homegrown terrorists
North Korea - an agent for China?
Europe - ITALY has a government. YEAH!
The FED - OMG do they know what they are doing?
May 19th – Debt ceiling suspension expire

Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz