Game-Changing Reversal In US Cannabis Policy

Analysis originally distributed on April 19, 2018 By: Michael Vodicka of Cannabis Stock Trades

US cannabis stocks just had their best day of the year after a game-changing shift in US cannabis policy hit the Street. If I’m correct, the stage is now set for a huge rally that could send cannabis stocks deep into a new all-time high.

On April 13, the US cannabis index jumped more than 15%, the largest one-day gain of the year, on news of a huge shift in US cannabis policy.


In news that completely shocked the cannabis industry and stocks, President Trump promised to support legislation to protect state cannabis rights.

Here’s a clip from a Bloomberg article with more details: Continue reading "Game-Changing Reversal In US Cannabis Policy"

Two Cannabis Giants Trading 61% Below 52-Week High

Analysis originally distributed on April 4, 2018 By: Michael Vodicka of Cannabis Stock Trades

Warren Buffet is the most successful investor of all-time. His net worth of $84 billion makes him the third richest person in the world.

Buffet’s fortune was built on a contrarian view on investing. He once said, “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

This is good advice for the cannabis sector right now.

After posting huge gains in 2017, the global cannabis sector fell into a bear market in the first quarter of 2018.

However, despite that short-term weakness, the long-term picture for the cannabis industry and cannabis stocks has never looked better.

Cannabis stocks got off to a blazing start in early 2018. Since climbing to an all-time high, the sector spent most of February and March trickling lower.

The Canadian Cannabis Index fell 15% in the first quarter.

Cannabis Stocks Continue reading "Two Cannabis Giants Trading 61% Below 52-Week High"