5 Years of Double and Triple Digit Returns

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ”
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
35th US President

Those are words we live by every day here at MarketClub and our parent company, INO.com. Our goal and mission is to help and assist our members get the very most out of MarketClub and all of the services we offer.

With thousands of members around the world in over 100 countries, we take our mission very seriously. Our goal is to provide you with the tools that will help you achieve the kind of results you may have only dreamed of.

It is with that in mind that I invite you to watch this four minute video on the World Cup Portfolio.

Since late 2007, we have been religiously tracking a portfolio that we designed to take advantage of the ever changing world we live in. This portfolio contains six core elements, all of which have performed extremely well in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Continue reading "5 Years of Double and Triple Digit Returns"

Why the Dam is Finally Breaking on the US Dollar

Maybe Iran wants a bomb. Maybe not.

But blocking it out of the SWIFT system, in other words cutting it off from using the US dollar for its oil trades (among other things) because we suspect it does, simply meant that countries that still want to trade with Iran and which are not beholden to our political whim, have found ways of doing business without a dollar in sight.

That was a reckless decision at best. It opens the door to alternatives... alternatives that Russia, China and India – all major dollar holders – may just like better. Continue reading "Why the Dam is Finally Breaking on the US Dollar"

So Long, US Dollar

By Marin Katusa, Casey Research

There's a major shift under way, one the US mainstream media has left largely untouched even though it will send the United States into an economic maelstrom and dramatically reduce the country's importance in the world: the demise of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

For decades the US dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade, especially in the oil markets. This role has created immense demand for US dollars, and that international demand constitutes a huge part of the dollar's valuation. Not only did the global-currency role add massive value to the dollar, it also created an almost endless pool of demand for US Treasuries as countries around the world sought to maintain stores of petrodollars. The availability of all this credit, denominated in a dollar supported by nothing less than the entirety of global trade, enabled the American federal government to borrow without limit and spend with abandon. Continue reading "So Long, US Dollar"

A Real-Time Lesson in the Supply and Demand of Investing

Damien Hoffman from WallStCheatSheet.com has offered to share his market insight with Trader’s Blog readers today. Read on to learn what he thinks about gold, the US dollar, and what he sees and predicts will and needs to happen in the US economy.

Damien will also be answering any questions that you might have via our comments section below. We invite you to read the article, share your thoughts, and visit WallStCheatSheet.com.


With India and China's strong demand for gold, it’s the perfect time to look deeper into how markets work ...

Many people are patriotically upset about the US dollar’s descent. However, it has been a direct result of the debt we’ve voluntarily assumed for all types of things including cheap goods and wars. In recent years, we’ve now decided to make matters worse by bailing out banks and propping up the housing market.  In years to come, the aging boomers will add another layer for healthcare and social security. Continue reading "A Real-Time Lesson in the Supply and Demand of Investing"

3 Potential Mega Trades In Q4

It seems to me that we are at an inflection point in the economy. The government has blown pretty much all of its money and the economic recovery and the economy is still sputtering along.  No surprise there.

So what's going to happen? I believe that we'll have another economic downturn which is going to push the dollar to new lows, push gold to new highs, and push the equity markets back down to their March lows.

Continue reading "3 Potential Mega Trades In Q4"