The United States of Europe

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 1st of December.
The call and the consultation are FREE! 877–219–1482
The United States of Europe

I believe the only way Europe is ever going to be able to function, is to be totally united under one banner and have one central bank for all 17 euro zone members.

And that my friends, is never going to happen.

So what now? No one knows for sure how the climate in Europe will play out and effect our markets in 2012. What's going to happen to the dollar, the euro, crude oil, stocks, and gold? One thing is for sure, there will be some historic opportunities to make money. We are going to leave it to others to figure out what's happening in Europe. We are going to focus on our core mission, to help you make money in the markets.

There is nothing wrong with capitalism.

The only way I believe to be successful in 2012, and it's what we preach here at MarketClub, is to have a disciplined approach. If you are trading on rumor and hot tips in 2012, you are not going to be happy with your results or have a successful year, in my opinion.

At MarketClub we have some amazing tools that will help you become a winner in 2012. These tools include our Trade Triangles, SmartScan and Talking Chart technologies. All of these powerful, easy to use tools will help keep you out of harms way and on the right side of the markets in 2012.

Now, let's go to the charts and the video and see how we can create and protect your wealth for the balance of this year .

BIG PICTURE: Trading Range
Combined Strength of Trend Score = -55
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Bearish
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Bearish
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Bullish
See today's S&P 500 Video Here.
With yesterday's sharp up move, the S&P 500 index moved into a trading range. The cyclicality of the S&P 500 has not been lost on us, and we suspect that we may see this index move higher for the balance of December. However, our Trade Triangles are not confirming this move at the moment. Long-term and Intermediate term traders should either be in cash or continue to hold short positions in this index with appropriate money management stops.
Suggested S&P 500 Trading Instruments:
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long SPY) (Short SH)
2 x Leveraged ETF's: (Long SSO)(Short SDS)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.

Free call - 877–219–1482 - Free consultation.
Watch my personal one-on-one coaching right here.

BIG PICTURE: Trading Range
Combined Strength of Trend Score = -65
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Bearish
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trend = Bearish
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Bullish
See today's Silver Video Here.
The spot silver market continues to remain in a trading range. This market is still trapped and is not out of the woods yet as it has resistance starting at $34.00 today. Generally speaking, the major trend for silver continues to be negative based on our monthly and weekly Trade Triangles. Our intermediate Trade Triangles turned negative on 11/17. Long-term and intermediate term traders should continue to hold short positions in silver with appropriate money management stops.
Suggested SILVER Trading Instruments:
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long SLV) (Short the ETF SLV)
Leveraged ETF's: (Long AGQ) (Short ZSL)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.

Free call - 877–219–1482 - Free consultation.
Combined Strength of Trend Score = +75
Monthly trade triangles for Long-term trends = Bullish
weekly trade triangles for intermediate term trends = Bearish
daily trade triangles for short-term trends = Bullish
See today's Gold Video Here.
Despite the sharp move up in gold to its best levels in 11 days, it did not change the status of our weekly Trade Triangle. We remain positive on this market and expect we will see it move much higher in 2012 as inflation kicks in around the world. Long-term traders should remain positive for this precious metal. Intermediate term traders should be out of this market at the moment and on the sidelines waiting for a buy signal with the weekly Trade Triangle.
Suggested GOLD Trading Instruments:
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long GLD) (Short the ETF GLD)
Leveraged ETF's:(Long UGL) (Short GLL)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.

BIG PICTURE: Trading Range
Combined Strength of Trend Score = -65
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Bearish
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Bullish
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Bullish
See today's Copper Video Here.
The copper market moved from the bottom of the Donchian Trade channel to the top on the channel in just four days. With today's Chart Analysis Score of -65 score the market is indicating that it is in a trading range. Generally speaking, the major trend for this metal continues to be negative. As stated before, copper generally reflects economic conditions, and as such is influenced by equity prices. Long-term traders should continue to hold short positions in copper with appropriate money management stops. Intermediate term traders should now be on the sidelines.
Suggested Copper Trading Instruments:
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long JJC)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.

Combined Strength of Trend Score = +100
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Bullish
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Bullish
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Bullish
See today's Crude Oil Video Here.
Crude oil is the current shining star in the commodity world and has become the currency of choice. With all of our Trade Triangles green, giving us a+100 Chart Analysis Score, it would appear as though we are in a strong bullish trend. At the present time all our Trade Triangles remain in a positive mode which is the direction of the major long term trend. Major resistance remains between the $102 and $103 levels. Long-term, and intermediate term traders should be long this market with appropriate money management stops.
Suggested Trading Instruments:
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long USO) (Short the ETF USO)
Leveraged ETF's: (Long UCO) (Short DTO)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.


Free call - 877–219–1482 - Free consultation.
Watch my personal one-on-one coaching right here.

Combined Strength of Trend Score = +85
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Bullish
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Bullish
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Bearish
See today's Dollar Index Video Here.
The dollar index has pulled back to the mid level of its Donchian trading channel. We expect the $78.00 area to lend support to this index. Our daily Trade Triangle moved into a bearish position on Monday, which was a tip-off for the markets pullback in the short term. However, with our weekly and monthly Trade Triangles remain in a positive mode. Two of our three Trade Triangles are in positive mode indicating that this market remains in a bull market. Long-Term and intermediate term traders should maintain long positions with the appropriate stops in place.
Suggested DOLLAR INDEX Trading Instruments:
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long UUP) (Short UDN)
Leveraged ETF's: (Long) (Short)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.

Combined Strength of Trend Score = -75
Monthly Trade Triangles for Long-Term Trends = Bearish
Weekly Trade Triangles for Intermediate Term Trends = Bearish
Daily Trade Triangles for Short-Term Trends = Bullish
If you are concerned about inflation, this is the market to watch. At the moment we are not in a bullish configuration based on our Trade Triangle technology. However based on the action of the central banks today, we may well be entering into a period of inflationary pressures. We will wait and watch this indicator and our Trade Triangles looking for a sign that the inflation bull is upon us. Resistance is evident at the $315-$320 levels, with support coming in between $300 and $305. Our long and intermediate term Trade Triangles remain negative for this index. Long-term and intermediate term traders should continue to hold short positions in silver with appropriate money management stops.
Non Leveraged ETF's: (Long CRBQ) (Short the ETF CRBQ)
Leveraged ETF's: (Long) (Short CMD)
Futures: Contracts are available to trade this market. Contact your broker
Options: Options Contracts are available to trade this market.Contact your broker
WARNING: Liquidity is some ETFs is very thin. Contact your broker for more information.

Free call - 877–219–1482 - Free consultation.

Chart Analysis Score: 50 - 65 Trading Range
Chart Analysis Score: 70 - 80 Emerging Trend
Chart Analysis Score: 85 - 100 Strong Trend
This is Adam Hewison for MarketClub, I'll see you tomorrow, right here with my mid-day update. Have a great trading day.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President and co-founder of

5 thoughts on “The United States of Europe

  1. For whatever it's worth the price of uranium is rising. The Jap earthquake did it in psychologically as did the German decision to eliminate their nuclear plants. My small gaggle of DNN, purchased with some spare change with intent to resell shortly, dried on the stalk months ago. But it picked up again in the last couple days. Someone had a flag to the extent of "consider buying - why not now?" in one of my daily columns recently. It may be worth more examination if you don't mind suffering from some of the mindless "AUGH! Equities are rising! Commodities, therefore, MUST go down! Sell Sell Sell!" behavior.

  2. "Could someone explain for me the meaning of ‘bypass trader’ or refer to some blog."

    It means the market's caused you so many heart attacks, you need a bypass.

  3. Adam....Could someone explain for me the meaning of 'bypass trader' or refer to some blog.


  4. Yes, despite what goes on in Europe, I'm still able to take advantage of these momentum shifts... no matter how long or short they are. Politics on the other hand I cannot control.

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