Jon Corzine, IBM, the Cloud, … Do You Want Fries With That?

Hello traders everywhere!  Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 8th of December.

Jon Corzine is testifying on Capitol Hill today about the collapse of commodities brokerage firm, MF Global.  The Corzine strategy is going to be, "I Simply Do Not Know Where The Money Is."  In other words, it's not my fault!

IBM announced today that it is buying DemandTec, a price-management software company, for $440 million in cash to expand its cloud service offerings.  We will be looking at both of those stocks today.

Do you want fries with that?  It seems to be working as McDonald's Corp, (MCD) global same-store sales Continue reading "Jon Corzine, IBM, the Cloud, … Do You Want Fries With That?"

Don't Worry About Europe, Here's One Stock That Has It All

Updated with today's video.  You can View it here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hello traders everywhere!  Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 7th of December.
Free consultation, Free call.
Give us a call at 877–219–1482!

Don't worry about Europe, here's one stock that has it all.

For the past several months, the market has been fixated on what is going on in Europe.  While that's an incredibly important element in the global picture, there are still many markets that are offering great opportunities both here in the states and overseas.

One of the easiest ways to find winning markets and winning trades is to use MarketClub's SmartScan tool that is available to all MarketClub members.  We have demonstrated this tool time and time again, and it continues Continue reading "Don't Worry About Europe, Here's One Stock That Has It All"

Volatility, Uncertainty, Europe and Now Darden Restaurants

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Tuesday, the 6th of December.
Free consultation, Free call.
Give us a call at 877–219–1482!
What's an investor to do?

Well, the way we look at the markets is pretty simple.  We look at our Trade Triangles everyday as they have an excellent track record at what we call "getting it right".  Are the Trade Triangles right every time?  No, nothing in the investment world is right every single time.  Even CNBC's Mad Money Jim Cramer, only get's it right 50% of the time.

Let me give you a specific and timely example of just how powerful our Trade Triangles are.  Today, Darden Restaurants (Symbol DRI) announced Continue reading "Volatility, Uncertainty, Europe and Now Darden Restaurants"

Put These Two ETFs On Your Radar Screen for 2012

Hello traders everywhere!  Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 5th of December.
Free consultation, Free call.
Give us a call at 877–219–1482!
Put these two ETFs on your Radar Screen for 2012

Last week, the equity markets put in a powerful upside performance and today they are following through with Friday's momentum.

The big winners are the financials, and they look like they may squeak out of this whole mess alive.  Certainly the major trends have not reversed and have not been Continue reading "Put These Two ETFs On Your Radar Screen for 2012"