Chart of The Week - Live Cattle

Each Week will be providing us a chart of the week as analyzed by a member of their team. We hope that you enjoy and learn from this new feature.

Live Cattle Futures Will Continue to Rise Throughout the Summer.

This week's focus turns to August Live Cattle Futures. I am sure many readers have seen the price of beef steadily increasing, especially as of late. In recent years, the state of Texas has been experiencing severe drought conditions which have significantly depleted the state's water source and has limited the amount of cattle that it produces. These conditions have caused ranchers to limit the amount of cattle output, or in some cases close up shop completely. We've had less and less supply to consume which has caused Live Cattle prices to steadily rise.

Over the coming summer months, I expect this trend to continue. US cattle herds are currently at a 54 year low. Along with already tight supply fundamentals, there have been almanac predictions for exceptionally hot conditions across much of the country, Texas included, in late June and through the month of July. The extreme seasonal weather that much of the country saw this past winter is expected to continue throughout the summer. I think that the conditions in Texas will continue to keep supply tight and increase the price of Live Cattle into the month of August.

The case for a bullish Live Cattle market is also strong on the technical side. We have seen a steep uptrend in Live Cattle futures since late last year. In the past 2 weeks, the market has consolidated its bullish move to form a perfect pennant pattern which is a continuation signal. If the market breaks this pennant formation strongly to the upside, the next near-term target would be 146.00. Continue reading "Chart of The Week - Live Cattle"

Weekly Futures Recap w/Mike Seery

We’ve asked Michael Seery of SEERYFUTURES.COM to give our INO readers a weekly recap of the Futures market. He has been Senior Analyst for close to 15 years and has extensive knowledge of all of the commodity and option markets.

Michael frequently appears on multiple business networks including Bloomberg news, Fox Business, CNBC Worldwide, CNN Business, and Bloomberg TV. He is also a guest on First Business, which is a national and internationally syndicated business show.

Cotton Futures-- Cotton futures for the December contract settled last Friday at 87.18 finishing down nearly 400 points this week with all the damage being done on Mondays trade as the tropical storm which was expected to possibly hurt the cotton crop pushing prices higher but the storm amounted to very little sending prices on Monday down 300 points as harvest continues here in the United States with poor chart structure at this time. The trend in cotton now is to the downside trading below its 20 & 100 day moving average; however the 10 day high is too far away right now so I’m advising traders to sit on the sidelines and wait for some better chart structure to develop as the commodity markets have turned negative in my opinion. The grain market continues to weaken and that also could put some pressure on cotton prices in the short term. TREND: LOWER –CHART STRUCTURE: TERRIBLE Continue reading "Weekly Futures Recap w/Mike Seery"

Weekly Futures Recap w/Mike Seery

We’ve asked Michael Seery of SEERYFUTURES.COM to give our INO readers a weekly recap of the Futures market. He has been Senior Analyst for close to 15 years and has extensive knowledge of all of the commodity and option markets.

Michael frequently appears on multiple business networks including Bloomberg news, Fox Business, CNBC Worldwide, CNN Business, and Bloomberg TV. He is also a guest on First Business, which is a national and internationally syndicated business show.

Grain Futures--- The grain market settled mixed this week in Chicago as traders are anticipating a major report on September 30th which is this Monday at 11 o’clock central time showing where carryover levels currently stand and the last several reports  have been big price movers as carryovers fluctuate tremendously with soybeans finishing up $.03 this Friday afternoon settling at 13.20 basically unchanged for the trading week with the carryover level estimated at 125 million bushels consolidating this week after a $.70 hair cut in last week’s trade. Continue reading "Weekly Futures Recap w/Mike Seery"