A Glimpse of Life from the Other Side of the Wall

By David Galland, Managing Director

Argentines have a phrase, "mi lugar," for when you find your special place in this world – the perfect combination of place and people that entirely suits your nature. The phrase translates simply as "my place."

I was very fortunate in my early thirties to be able to spend three years on a quest for paradise on earth, visiting pretty much every country I thought might be a suitable candidate. It turns out, in hindsight, what I was really looking for was not paradise, but mi lugar.

Much like "love at first sight," mi lugar has almost mystical connotations – it is the place in this world where, should you be fortunate enough to find it, you belong more than anywhere else.

When we arrived in Cafayate, it was with some entirely natural trepidation. After all, not only were we going to be living in a remote corner of Argentina, we were bringing along our teenage kids with all that that implies. Continue reading "A Glimpse of Life from the Other Side of the Wall"

The Only Way to Win with Gold Stocks

By David Galland, Casey Research

While I have read certain works on the life and ponderings of Buddha, I claim no deep knowledge of his philosophy.

Note that I didn't use the word "religion," because Buddha himself claimed no supernatural powers and even begged his followers not to deify him after his death. Continue reading "The Only Way to Win with Gold Stocks"

What Does Liberty Really Mean to You?

By David Galland, Casey Research

For some time now – years actually – I have pondered the nature of liberty. Or more specifically, what liberty actually means to me. And to be extra clear, I am not talking about the meaning in abstract or philosophical terms, but tangibly – in much the same way I might answer if asked what my wife means to me.

The trigger for this entirely personal discourse comes from reading various articles and viewing various YouTube videos and speeches from self-styled champions of liberty (COL). There is even an entire conference, Mark Skousen's FreedomFest, dedicated to the topic. Continue reading "What Does Liberty Really Mean to You?"

Bypassing Government Roadblocks to Your Personal Prosperity

By David Galland, Casey Research

Recently I helped out with some delivery chores. As I drove about, I discovered that one of the roads I would normally use was closed by roadblocks. It was, I imagine, due to road repair work. I had to reverse course and take a substantial detour.

I wondered why the road crew hadn't put up a sign indicating the road was closed back at the main intersection, but I shrugged and muttered something like "Typical government operation." Continue reading "Bypassing Government Roadblocks to Your Personal Prosperity"

Gold's "Contrarian Moment"

By David Galland, Casey Research

Glancing at the news most days, it's hard not to feel like Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day. In the event you are unfamiliar with the movie, in it Murray's character becomes trapped in the same day… day after day.

In the current circular condition, we have the powers-that-be assuring us that the next high-level meeting will finally produce a permanent fix to the broken economy, essentially solving the sovereign debt crisis. Then, in no more than a few days, or at most a couple of weeks, the fix is revealed to be flawed and the crisis again sparks into flames... Continue reading "Gold's "Contrarian Moment""