Today's Video Update: Where Are The Buyers?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 24th of June.

Everyone Wanted To Buy A Dip In This Market, So Where Are The Buyers?
One of the most fascinating parts of the market in my mind is the psychology of price movement. You can talk all you want about the fundamentals of a stock, future earnings, takeovers, financial forecasts, but it really comes down to PERCEPTION!!

Remember not so long ago everybody wanted to buy a 5% pullback in the stock market? Well, where are those buyers today? They have all but disappeared from the financial landscape. The reality is, market perception has gripped investors and taken over their minds. What the market is trading now is not stocks, it's money pure and simple. I warned our members three weeks ago that our Trade Triangle technology had given early warning signals for the major stock indices. We will be covering all the indices in today's video, so please tune in to get my latest thoughts on today's market. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Where Are The Buyers?"

Today's Video Update: Not A Good Week For The Bulls

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 21st of June.

Not A Good Week For The Bulls
Not a good week for market Bulls, but there were warning signs all around. Take a look at my early warning system video, it's free and hinted that all is not well with this market. In today's video update, I will be using our Fibonacci tool to measure how far the indices are likely to fall. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Not A Good Week For The Bulls"

Today's Video Update: To Taper Or Not To Taper?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 19th of June.

To Taper Or Not To Taper? That's My Question For Ben Bernanke
That is the question on everyone's mind today as the Fed kicks off its meeting at 2 PM, eastern time. Everyone is probably also wondering if Ben Bernanke is going to run for another term. I doubt that Ben Bernanke will want to run for another term, because whoever inherits the current Bernanke mess, created by QE1, QE2 and QEInfinity, is going to have to unwind this trade and that is going to be one colossal mess for everyone. The modus operandi in the USA seems to be that we jump into everything from wars to QEs without figuring out an exit plan. What the market wants to see now, is how the Fed is going to extricate itself from its current bond buying gluttony. Now, that's going to lend itself to some real market opportunities in the future. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: To Taper Or Not To Taper?"

Today's Video Update: What Goes Up, Must Come Down...Right?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 17th of June.

Are High Gas Prices Going To Squash The Economic Recovery?
Last week, all of our Trade Triangles jumped into a positive position, indicating that crude oil prices are headed higher once again. Some of that can be attribute to the events in the Middle East, mainly in Syria. The move higher also has to do with the technical makeup of the market. This market has been moving sideways for a while and seems poised to want to break over the $100 barrel level in the not-too-distant future. This increase in gasoline prices would come at a terrible time for most Americans, as summer driving tends to drive up demand for gas. I will be covering crude oil in today's video.

What Goes Up, Must Come Down... Right?
The battle continues between the Bulls and the Bears as the markets continue to vacillate both on the upside and downside. Certainly, my call to be on the sidelines for intermediate-term traders has proven to be a wise one. I continue to think that the longer-term trend for the equity markets remains in a positive mode, but it's more of a sideways pattern that we are seeing in the major indices right now. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: What Goes Up, Must Come Down...Right?"

Today's Video Update: Coming Soon To A Gas Station Near You

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 14th of June.

Coming Soon To A Gas Station Near You
Today we witnessed a massive move to new highs in crude oil, pushing all our Trade Triangles into the green, indicating that higher prices are likely ahead for this commodity. This translates into higher prices at the pump for everyone in America. The question of course will be, is this going to create a problem for the fragile economic recovery? This market has created a large technical formation that we will be discussing in today's video.

Equity Markets Are Choppy
The war between the Bulls and the Bears continues this Friday with no clear trend direction. The longer-term trend continues up, while the intermediate-term trend is indicating weakness. This translates to a neutral market position for us. If you are using our Trade Triangle technology, you can quickly see which markets are headed higher, which ones are neutral, and which are falling. We will be running through all the major indices in today's video. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Coming Soon To A Gas Station Near You"