Today's Video Update: Choppy Markets Reflect Investor Anxiety

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 12th of June.

Choppy Markets Reflect Investor Anxiety
It probably feels like you are on a bicycle peddling very fast and not going anywhere. Here it is a week later and the DOW (INDEX:DJI) is basically unchanged. In the meantime, we have witnessed many up and down days. It seems there is a war going on right now between the bulls and bears and the stakes are very high.

The bulls clearly see the Fed as their friend, and providing that the Fed continues to pump money into the system, they have a good argument. You can't fight unlimited printing presses. The bears on the other hand, don't believe the economy is going so well, not just here in States, but they are also seeing a global slowdown both in Europe and Asia. The bears argue that if the Fed begins to taper its purchases, which now total $85 billion a month, the market is likely to tank. The old trading adage here is that the markets "slide faster than they glide," meaning markets go down much faster than they go up. Currently our Trade Triangles are neutral on the market, indicating that you should be on the sidelines at the moment. I need to see this war between the bulls and the bears resolved before I commit to one trend or the other. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Choppy Markets Reflect Investor Anxiety"

Today's Video Update: Apple's Big Day And Waze To Go Google

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 10th of June.

Apple's Big Day
Today, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) kicks off its developers conference in San Francisco. This is the day that the Apple-faithful have been patiently waiting for. It is widely speculated that Apple will announce IOS 7, a new operating system, and perhaps some other upgrades. No new disruptive technologies are expected to be announced at this conference, but with Apple you never know. One of the presenters today is Sir Jonathan Paul "Jony" Ive, who is the genius designer for many of Apple's most recent products. In my opinion, Jony was the main creative force behind Steve Jobs. The new operating system is rumored to be cleaner, simpler and “flatter”, moving away from the skeuomorphic design. Apple is also expected to announce a new music service that's going to go head-to-head with the likes of Pandora, Spotify, and other online streaming music platforms. Let's put everything in perspective, Apple has 500 million users, Pandora has less than 70 million. Mathematically, this gives Apple a huge advantage in terms of creating a really successful, new income-producing music service. Initially iRadio, as the name is rumored to be, will be supported by ads, and eventually it will end up becoming a recurring revenue product. I will be covering Apple in today's daily update. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Apple's Big Day And Waze To Go Google"

Today's Video Update: Is The 2013 Bull Market Over?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 7th of June.

Is The 2013 Bull Market In Stocks Over?
2013 will go down in the history books as the fastest start of the any year since 1998. Having said that, there are some challenges in the market right now as we have recently seen the market tumble 3.6%. We also discussed the slowdown in Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) and Target (NYSE:TGT) stores, as both companies missed their forecasted earnings. All signs that the economy is slowing down. Currently, the economy hasn't picked up to the point where the Fed can abandon its monthly $85 billion purchase program. That could also lend to some stability in the marketplace. In today's video, I am going to examine how we see the market and how today's close could determine the trend for the coming week.

Early Warning System And The Yen
The Japanese Yen has strengthened against the US dollar to the surprise of many traders. Having a non-emotional approach to the market, like the Trade Triangles, can pay off consistently. If you haven't seen my "Early Warning System" video you may watch it here. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Is The 2013 Bull Market Over?"

Today's Video Update: Are Investors Too Complacent Right Now?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 3rd of June.

As we start off the month of June, I wanted to make my latest eBook, 5 Professional Trading Rules That Will Make You Successful In Any Market, available to you with my complements. The book contains the core trading rules that you need to be successful in any market.

iPad Owners - Download My Latest Book
5 Professional Trading Rules That Will Make You Successful In Any Market - by Adam Hewison
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Dont' Have An iPad? No Worries
5 Professional Trading Rules That Will Make You Successful In Any Market - by Adam Hewison
This PDF version does not include the video.

Are Investors Too Complacent Right Now? Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Are Investors Too Complacent Right Now?"

Today's Video Update: What's Ahead For June?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 31st of May.

What's Ahead For June?
It's May 31st, the last trading day of the month and the week. In today's video, I will look ahead into our crystal ball (just kidding!) and share with you what I see coming up in June. You might be surprised at my conclusions.

Watch Today's Video Update Here

The 52-Week Rule
I learned this rule many years ago from a trader named Bill, when I was trading in the pits of the Chicago Mercantile where I was a member. Over the years, it has proven to have a high degree of success. Just remember, there are no guarantees made or implied that this approach works with every trade. I suggest you watch it, paper trade it, and draw your own conclusions. Here are the three rules you need to trade "The 52-Week New Highs on Friday Rule": Continue reading "Today's Video Update: What's Ahead For June?"