Today's Video Update: The Market Bounces Back, But Concerns Persist Over Global Growth

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 22nd of April.

After Last Week's Fall, The Markets Take A Breather
The DOW continues to remain positive, while the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 are in a neutral state at the moment. Our Trade Triangles have signaled that if you are an intermediate-term trader, you should be on the sidelines for both of these markets.

The DOW is another picture, where a clear line in the sand has been drawn. Should the DOW move below 14,434 this week, it will be a major exit signal to all intermediate-term traders to move to the sidelines. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: The Market Bounces Back, But Concerns Persist Over Global Growth"

Today's Video Update: Biggest Down Week For The Markets All Year

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 19th of April.

Biggest Down Week For The Markets All Year
To say it has been quite a week would be an understatement. The markets have been largely pushed into the background and have been dominated by the news coming out about the Boston bombings. Even the earnings season has taken a backseat to current events. The bottom line is that unless there is a massive rally in most markets, they will close out the week with significant losses.

Most Equity Markets Close Lower For The Week
The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have both flashed negative weekly Trade Triangles indicating that a neutral position should be taken in both of these indices. Only the DOW continues to remain in a bull trend and that will change should we see the DOW dip below 14,395. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Biggest Down Week For The Markets All Year"

Today's Video Update: Fear And Uncertainty Enter The Markets

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 17th of April.

Fear And Uncertainty Enter The Markets
It is only Wednesday, but it has been one heck of a week already! The biggest take away for me this week, was the big moves seen on Monday in equities, gold and crude oil. For the first time, we are seeing the twin elements of fear and uncertainty enter into the markets. These two elements are incredibly powerful and tend to move markets much more than fundamentals ever do. The battle lines are clearly drawn for the equity markets with the lows seen on Monday as the proverbial "line in the sand" for equity traders. Crude oil and gold are now both in clear downtrends and are set to still move lower. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Fear And Uncertainty Enter The Markets"

Today's Video Update: Gold and Oil Prices Swoon

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 12th of April.

Gold (XAUUSDO) continues to come under pressure and is going to close out the week on a negative note. It would appear as though nobody wants to hold gold anymore. The gold market is close to a key area of support around the $1,500 area. A close below that area today does not auger too well for this market. Rumors that Cyprus is selling gold to improve its bank balances is also adding downside pressure on an already depressed market. We will be checking in on gold today and analyzing just how far this market can go from here. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: Gold and Oil Prices Swoon"

Today's Video Update: The Law of the Market

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 11th of April.

Adapt or Die - That is the Law of the Market
As a trader, you must learn to adapt to changing conditions in the market, otherwise you are not going to be successful. The current rally in the DOW (DJI) and the S&P 500 (SP500) is a case in point. Maybe the fundamentals are not there to support the kind of valuations we are seeing, but that is not the most important element to consider when you look at the markets. If you were only looking at the fundamentals, you would have missed this entire move to the upside. The trend, sentiment and perception of what the market is going to do is very important, and right now for better or worse, the market is heading higher. Markets tend to trend in the direction of least resistance and right now that trend is on the upside.

There also appears to be a complete disconnect between Washington, Wall Street and Main Street. The feedback from Main Street, which is still underwater, is not that good and I think everyone would agree Washington is totally dysfunctional. Wall Street appears to be in its own universe, ruled by Chairman Bernanke and supported by the Fed, to the tune of $85 billion every month. Providing the Fed fix continues, we are likely to see the market continue its upward trend. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: The Law of the Market"