Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Monday, the 6th of August.
Now we have chairman Ben Bernanke, the same "Helicopter Ben", quoting the Himalayan Happiness Index. Is it just me, or does this sound crazy to anyone else?
If that was not enough, Italian Prime Minister Monti in an article published in Der Spiegel magazine says the Eurozone is facing "psychological dissolution". What the heck does that mean?
I have to give Monti and Bernanke credit, that is the first time I've heard a Fed Chairman citing the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan Gross National Happiness Index and a politician using the phrase "psychological dissolution" in a sentence or anywhere else for that matter.
No matter what they say, the second half of the year should provide a silver lining for traders everywhere.
Now, let's analyze the major markets and stocks on the move using MarketClub's Trade Triangle Technology.
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