Keeping Stakes Small: How Some Companies Are Navigating the Gold Market

The Gold Report: Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp. (CDM:TSX; CDE:NYSE) recently acquired Orko SilverCorp. for cash and shares. What should investors pay attention to in that deal?

Keith Phillips: The deal involved La Preciosa, a silver asset controlled by Orko, in an attractive jurisdiction in Mexico. From an investment banking perspective, seeing two different, quality companies competing for a junior mining asset in an environment where people thought the merger and acquisition (MA) business was dead was encouraging. First Majestic Silver Corp. (FR:TSX; AG:NYSE; FMV:FSE) made an initial bid for Orko, and Coeur d'Alene was the successful bidder.

TGR: Are high-quality silver assets more likely to be targets than similarly valued gold assets in this market? Continue reading "Keeping Stakes Small: How Some Companies Are Navigating the Gold Market"

Whack-a-Mole (Japanese Nikkei is the Latest Bubble)

Alan Greenspan gave them the playbook (Credit & Debt Manipulation 101) and now Ben Bernanke and global inflators everywhere have taken the ball and run with it in new, innovative and levered up ways.  Actually it’s a game of Whack-a-Mole and they play it well, these inflating moles.  The minute you think you’re going to drop the hammer on one of their heads, he’s gone and another one pops up elsewhere.

So how can we follow all the data points that hands-on, manipulative policy has introduced and forecast conclusions with accuracy?  The answer is that it is difficult in the short-term, but in the long-term we are all dead anyway, so we might as well use some inflationary bubbles of the past as a road map to what may be ahead.

There are currently several bubbles (and one anti-bubble*) in play over varying time frames.  These bubbles are the direct result of policy actions.  Last weekend we reviewed the bubble in Japan’s Nikkei in relation to its policy-induced crashing of the Yen and then last week wouldn’t you know that the Yen caught a bid and the Nikkei suffered an incredibly bearish day? Continue reading "Whack-a-Mole (Japanese Nikkei is the Latest Bubble)"

Today's Video Update: If The Economy Is So Good, Why Did This Happen?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 24th of May.

If The Economy Is So Good, Why Did This Happen?
We have been talking about this all week... Why did these bedrock companies, Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT), Target (NYSE:TGT) and Sears (NASDAQ:SHLD), all miss their earnings estimates? Is this an early warning signal that the economy is really not as healthy as the Fed and everyone else would like to see? We will be examining all three stocks today. Continue reading "Today's Video Update: If The Economy Is So Good, Why Did This Happen?"

Don't Panic, Buy Silver

The Gold Report: Precious metal bullion and equities are taking a hit right now in the market. Why do you feel silver is an interesting investment today?

Rick Mills: There is a disconnect this year between silver and gold. They usually trade in lockstep, and their market prices are doing that.

As of April 2, more than 140 tons of gold has flowed out of various exchange traded funds (ETFs) this year, while silver ETFs have added more than 20 million ounces (20 Moz). Maybe that is because silver is more affordable than gold or because silver also has industrial uses.

TGR: But the ETFs do not reflect a price disparity between gold and silver. Continue reading "Don't Panic, Buy Silver"

The Gold & Silver Speculator

Catastrophe in Cyprus: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Euro Troika (IMF/EU/ECB) aims bazooka squarely at depositors & fires: Outright theft and confiscation of private property...disaster ahead?

Despite the strange, absurd sense of normalcy that has somehow prevailed this week, the world is witnessing a horrifying, slow-motion bank robbery in progress. With hostages…lots of ‘em. Or maybe you could say it’s a financial train wreck? However you describe it, it is absolutely revolting in every sense of the word.

By now, you are probably well aware of the inexplicable, sordid details of this state-sponsored attack on the rule of law and confiscation of private property, so I won’t go into great detail about it, but I must say that I am still shaking my head in shock (and disgust) at what the unelected, non-accountable bureaucrats have unleashed upon the world. Continue reading "The Gold & Silver Speculator"