Today's Video Update: The Beat Goes On

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 15th of May.

Google Music?
Word on the street is that Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) is set to announce today a new streaming music service, one that will compete against Pandora and Spotify. Once again, it seems as though Google wants to be everything to everybody, and whether Google can compete in the music business and be successful remains to be seen. Should you buy or sell Google? If you haven't watched my Google trading video on how to trade Google successfully, you can watch it here.

The Beat Goes On
Stock prices hit a high yesterday as more and more disenfranchised short sellers are covering their shorts and exiting this market. So far, this market has not yielded to any downside pressure or correction to the surprise of many professional traders. What I do know, is that trends tend to persist longer than expected, and that they don't ring a bell at the top of any market. In a recent blog poll, we asked readers what they thought of the market: Continue reading "Today's Video Update: The Beat Goes On"

Will Gold Fall Further?

By: Street Authority

Imagine a bullet fired at the sky.

It climbs higher and higher until gravity overcomes its upward momentum. The bullet begins to fall.

Now, imagine small wings on the bullet that flap while it is falling. The wings are just enough to create a series of slight upswings while on the downward trajectory.

Known as "bear flags," this wavelike cycle recurs until the momentum ends and the bullet drops to the ground. Bear flags are thought to signal additional downward moves to come.

This is exactly what has happened with the price of gold since it hit its high near $1,900 per ounce in August 2011. More recently, this action has been exaggerated, with gold trending downward since striking highs in the $1,800 range back in October. Continue reading "Will Gold Fall Further?"

3 Technical Tools That Predicted The Apple Implosion!

Let's dissect and analyze Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) today as it just moved below $400 for the first time since December of 2011.

In today's Trade School video, we're going to be looking at the stock of Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) in light of today's market action. I will be analyzing Apple using three very standard technical tools in a way that may be unfamiliar to you.

I will share with you exactly how you could have made money in Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and how a certain combination of technical tools have produced some very positive results. This easy-to-use approach can be adapted for your own trading.

This simple approach can be used by everyone and allows you to disregard the fundamentals and earnings reports of any stock and still come out ahead of the game.

Thanking you in advance for watching this video on Apple.

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

How to make a big bet and lose:-(

In today's Trade School video, we're going to be looking into a hedge fund who made a big bet on one stock and lost.

I will share with you how this hedge fund could have systematically avoided this loss and made money in this particular stock using our Trade Triangle technology, which has proven to be market tough and resilient over the years.

In this short 3 minute video, I will illustrate the importance of having a solid game plan and a market-proven approach. I will go through each trade in this stock and share with you the results of relying on our Trade Triangle approach from the beginning of the year.

This approach is not for everyone, but I think you will agree that this particular hedge fund manager would have been better off not falling in love with this stock.

Thanking you in advance for watching this video on how not to invest like this hedge fund manager.

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

The Gold Meltdown - What Happened?

In today's Trade School video, we're going to be looking into what caused the recent meltdown in gold prices. How could gold drop so precipitously in such a short time, given what's going on in the world? Did it have anything to do with the ETF GLD or was a country forced to sell its precious metals to satisfy creditors?

I will share with you how you could have systematically made money in gold using our Trade Triangle technology, which has produced some very positive results over the years.

Since 1975, there have been 13 bear markets with an average drop around 14%. This would put gold below the $1,300 level, around $1,280.

In this short 4 minute video on gold, I will illustrate the importance of having a solid game plan and a market-proven approach. We will go through each trade in gold and share with you the results of using our Trade Triangle approach from the beginning of the year.

This approach is not for everyone, but we think you will agree that the results certainly speak for themselves.

Thanking you in advance for watching this video on the meltdown in gold.

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub