Platinum Cleared The "Launch Pad" For Palladium

In a previous post titled "Platinum Outshines Palladium, Yet Both Offer Opportunity," I discussed potential opportunities for investors to buy into these two white metals.

The fact that platinum was chosen over palladium by three out of five readers in the ballot was not surprising. The platinum/palladium ratio and the chart setup for platinum futures were both supportive of the title's argument.

Let’s check on what has changed in one month. We'll start with platinum futures.

Platinum Futures Daily

Source: TradingView

The price of platinum futures has been following my predetermined path with remarkable accuracy. I kept the previous annotations for you to see it.

The forecast that the price would reverse around the "golden cut" 61.8% Fibonacci retracement area proved to be successful, as the price tested the support twice and held. Subsequently, the futures price mimicked the trajectory of the blue zigzag, moving to the upside. Continue reading "Platinum Cleared The "Launch Pad" For Palladium"

Platinum Outshines Palladium, Yet Both Offer Opportunity

Almost four years ago, I wrote about the supremacy of palladium over platinum, and we watched the Platinum/Palladium ratio fall below its long-term valley of 0.56 oz.

In contrast, today the Platinum/Palladium ratio is approaching a 4-year high of 0.7 oz, marking a doubling from its all-time low of 0.31 oz established in 2020.

Platinum-Palladium Ratio Monthly

Source: TradingView

On its way up, the ratio broke through a double barrier that included the 2001 valley of 0.56 oz and the horizontal resistance at the top of the range. There are no other barriers for the ratio until it reaches parity between the two metals, which will be a crucial resistance level.

This is because palladium was replaced with the cheaper platinum in the automobile industry due to palladium's abnormally expensive price.

It is estimated that the platinum substitution of palladium reached 340 koz in 2022, and it is predicted to increase to over 500 koz in 2023, more than twice the amount in 2021. Continue reading "Platinum Outshines Palladium, Yet Both Offer Opportunity"

Silver And Palladium Update: False Hope

The price action in the silver futures has given a false hope to bulls this month.

The largest volume support (orange) has offered a solid support for the silver futures price lately. It is located between $17.4 and $18.2. The price has tested it three times already and failed to break it down.

Silver Futures Weekly

Source: TradingView

The RSI has built a Bullish Divergence during the second touchdown at the end of the summer. The reaction was an imminent reversal to the upside. It was promising price action for the bulls as the futures price soared from $17.4 up to $21.3 by the start of this month to book the gain of almost four bucks (22% growth).

Afterwards, the same indicator has failed to break above the 50 barrier in spite of a strong impulse and so did the price rally. It stopped more than half dollar below the moving average (purple).

The price dropped back to the largest volume support after above mentioned failure but bounced then. It has managed to score more than one dollar from the latest valley of $18. This puts the silver futures between the hammer ($21.9, moving average resistance) and the anvil ($18, volume support).

The chart structure of the recent rally looks corrective. This means that the weakness of the price should resume. The next support is located at the following volume area of $15.8.

There are no other significant levels to catch the “falling knife” of silver except the “Flash-Crash” valley in $11.6. The drop to the latter could build a larger corrective structure visible on a bigger map.

The invalidation of the bearish outlook would come with the breakup of the moving average above $21.9.

Last time, your most popular answer was that silver futures would stop at $16. The next bid was bullish. None of the bets have played out as yet. Continue reading "Silver And Palladium Update: False Hope"

Palladium Update: Contradiction

In October 2021, I shared with you my technical outlook for palladium futures.

The chart structure was clear; therefore, I was confident of further collapse of palladium price. The results of your ballot are in the graph below.


Most of you voted for a bullish trend to resume. The second popular bet turned out to be the most accurate as the price has pierced the upper side of the preset bearish target area at $1,558.

The next step after two-leg consolidation was going to be a huge growth of the metal’s price. However, the industry fundamentals do not support that bold plan. Continue reading "Palladium Update: Contradiction"

Pendulum Experiment No.3: An Early Victory!

Aibek Burabayev - Contributor - Metals

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the middle of the year, and it’s time to see how our third Pendulum experiment worked out.

I’ll start with the poll results from 6 months ago that show your bets.

Chart 1. Poll results

INO Poll Results
Graph courtesy of

The majority of you bet on Silver, and you won as you can see in the chart below. It looks like the Nikkei index is not your star whatsoever. Continue reading "Pendulum Experiment No.3: An Early Victory!"