Who Let The DOGE Out?

Last week the top ten cryptocurrencies ranking was reshuffled as Dogecoin (DOGE) shot straight to the eighth place with a market cap just under $18 billion. If we skip stable coins and exchange related coin BNB then this meme coin seized the #4 spot right below the Ripple (XRP).

If we look at the seven-day performance of top ten cryptos in the table below – none of them could boast the triple digit gain that we see in Dogecoin with +125% growth.

If this rally stays intact, the Ripple could lose its #3 spot soon. The price of the DOGE should add another 1/3 to 18 cents for this to happen.

top 10 coins

Source: coinmarketcap.com

What has fueled such a strong rally of this coin? The main reason is the hope that comes with the final takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, who is a big fan of the DOGE and he pledged to support this meme coin.

Let me show you the anatomy of the rally in the 3-hour chart below. Continue reading "Who Let The DOGE Out?"

Have These 10 Popular Stocks Lost Their Mojo?

Hello traders and MarketClub members everywhere! In today’s video, I will be checking out 10 very popular stocks too see if they've lost their market mojo and are experiencing a lack of interest from investors.

Now, by no means am I saying that these stocks are going to deteriorate in the next week. I am simply looking at these stocks to see if their recent market action is presenting some question marks in the minds of investors. All of the stocks I will be covering today are well-known, heavily traded stocks that have been trading for a while.

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) - Are investors fed up with no profits?
Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) - Is the iPhone 6 going to save the day?
Ebay (NASDAQ:EBAY) - Bye, bye PayPal.
Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) - Is the magic over for Zuckerberg?
Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) - What is their next big hit?
Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) - Stream baby, stream.
Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX) - Moving more than coffee.
Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) - Has the last Tweet gone out?
Under Armour (NYSE:UA) - Body armor for suburbia.
Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) - What game are these guys playing?

Traders! Don't miss out on MarketClub's Special Holiday Promotion! Try the tools for 30 days for only $8.95, then take advantage of a Special Holiday Rate for 90 additional days of access (Save 40%!).

Have a great trading day and enjoy today’s video.

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-Creator, MarketClub

3 Trending Tech Stocks To Watch

It is no secret that many tech/Internet stocks have been beaten up over the last several months and that action has pushed the NASDAQ index into a bear market phase. However, not all tech companies are in downtrends. I have three tech stocks that are in decidedly bullish trends and I will be discussing them today.

The first stock I will be looking at is Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). It would seem that Apple had lost its way since Steve Jobs' passing, but yesterday’s closing over $600 puts a little bit more mojo into the stock of Apple. Now remember, this stock is going to split and there's all kinds of things going on with it. The important element for me is the general trend, which according to the Trade Triangles is positive.

The next stock I will be looking at is Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO). While not as sexy as Apple, this stock appears to have good upward momentum and looks to be moving higher from current levels. Continue reading "3 Trending Tech Stocks To Watch"

Tech Stocks Put The Market Under Pressure

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of INO.com and co-creator of MarketClub, with your video update for Monday, the 7th of April.

Last week we saw the tech stocks shave 4% off the value of the NASDAQ index in just 3 days and we are seeing further follow-through selling today. Technically the markets have been in strong bull trends for the last 5 years. Historically, very few bull markets have exceeded that length of time. This bull market may or may not be the exception.

There have been several Internet stocks that I have been talking about on this blog, mainly Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) which I have been bearish on, Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), Yelp (NYSE:YELP), and a host of others and they are all in bearish patterns. Continue reading "Tech Stocks Put The Market Under Pressure"

Are Interest Rates Going To Kill This Bull Market?

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, President of INO.com and Co-creator of MarketClub, with your mid-day market update for Friday, the 8th of

The Beat Goes On, Or Does It?

As the indices make new highs, interest rates have turned and are once again beginning to creep up. It certainly appears to be a strong indication that interest rates have indeed bottomed out. If interest rates continue to improve, meaning high yields for investors, I see this as a potential negative for the market in 2014.

Next year is going to be a dramatic year in the markets in my opinion, as we have a new Fed chairperson, rumored to be Janet Yellen, taking over from helicopter Ben. Ms. Yellen is going to have her work cut out for her trying to clean up the 4-year mess that she is inheriting. Whatever course of action Ms. Yellen embarks on will certainly have major ramifications for the markets, not just here in the United States, but also around the globe. Continue reading "Are Interest Rates Going To Kill This Bull Market?"